
Experiences of the Top Scorers of II PU Board Examinations 2019


Pranav Shastry

Pranav Shastry

(Score: 594/600)

The last 2 years in Christ have by far the most dynamic and the best years of my life. When i came into this college i was nothing more than a shy introvert who didn't talk to people much. But today when I'm going out, I go out as a highly confident individual who is sure of his potential and capabilities. One of the main reasons these 2 years in Christ have been so good is because of the friends i have made. My friends always kept me motivated and well, now we re more than friends, we re family. The excellent teaching staff of the college played a very crucial role in helping me score these marks. Heading Colossus and representing the college in various intra and inter collegiate activities helped me understand about taking responsibility and exposed me to the outside world. These are the experiences that have shaped me and made me who I am today.

Gautam Rathi

Gautam Rathi

(Score: 594/600)

The two-year journey in Christ junior college was like a helluva ride , filled with academics , fests and cultural activities. In my opinion Christ has truly lived up to it's mission statement of 'holistic development' as it helped me develop in all avenues. The best part of cjc was the numerous fests , class culturals and magnachrista which helped us to discover our latent talents. It helped us discover who we are and in the process subtly introduce us to the field of commerce. This feat of 99% in my 12th boards is all thanks to the teachers of Christ Junior College for it wouldn't have been possible without their unconditional support. At times of need when we needed urgent answers to our queries it was always our friends that helped us. So Christ has not just given me a wonderful academic experience but has also helped me socialize a lot. My primary motivation which drived me to work so hard and get such a result was to make my parents proud of me and also to get admission into my dream college - Shriram College of Commerce, Delhi. I'd like to say that 2nd puc is only the first page of our book , the rest is yet to unfold.

Koushal Deevela

Koushal Deevela

(Score: 591/600)

“When life gives you lemons, make grape juice. Then sit back and let people wonder how you did it.” - Priyanka Chopra.

This quote sums up my resplendent experience of two years at Christ Junior College. To me personally, Christ opened the doors to several dynamic opportunities which helped me recognise my skills and at the same time it helped me excel in my studies with great ease instead of making it stressful. I'm indebted to my parents, teachers and friends for their efforts in moulding me both academically and as a human being. I always challenged myself to improvise in all spheres of life. This urge to achieve a greater feat than what I had achieved in my past helped me score better marks than my 11th and 10th. My challenging spirit supplemented with hardwork, dedication and prayer yielded ripe fruits. I transformed the opportunities that knocked my door in such a way that my jaw drops when I reminisce my journey in the past two years.

Adithya S

Adithya S

(Score: 591/600)

"The finest steel is the one which goes through the hottest fire" and my achievement will be a right justification to this quote. Christ Junior College with its challenging curriculum and its assistive faculty members, not only set the bar high but also encouraged us to go beyond. Another substantial factor for my achievement would be the healthy and ambitious competition by my fellow classmates, which kept me zealous at time whenever I chose to take it easy. I feel extremely privilaged to be a part of this institution, which inspired me to perform at my level best with a thorough knowledge of theoritical aspects coupled with a fair understanding of real world scenarios too.

Adeeba Amreen

Adeeba Amreen

(Score: 591/600)

My experience in Christ junior college has been filled with lot of opportunities and helped me to change my personality in a better way. Two years in Christ had been memorable and joyous with so many events. Firstly, my parents have always been very helpful in my studies and encouraging me in all walks of my life. Secondly, my teachers also have their hardwork in my scores because of their constant guidance and help made all basic concepts clear which helped me a lot. The College not only helps in knowing the subject but also make us aware of the fast changing world outside by organizing plethoraof events. The exposure I gained in colossus was memorable which encouraged participation more than winning. Colossus helps to think rationally and practically over the business issues and helped me to raise above my fears and to realize my potential. Lastly, what helps is hardwork. When I walked into this college I was unaware of what does Christite mean, but now I feel proud to be called as a Christite. So, my fellow Christites make sure you avail best use of all opportunities. Christ junior college truly upholds the motto Excellence and Service.

My experience in Christ junior college has been filled with lot of opportunities and helped me to change my personality in a better way. Two years in Christ had been memorable and joyous with so many events. Firstly, my parents have always been very helpful in my studies and encouraging me in all walks of my life. Secondly, my teachers also have their hardwork in my scores because of their constant guidance and help made all basic concepts clear which helped me a lot. The College not only helps in knowing the subject but also make us aware of the fast changing world outside by organizing plethoraof events. The exposure I gained in colossus was memorable which encouraged participation more than winning. Colossus helps to think rationally and practically over the business issues and helped me to raise above my fears and to realize my potential. Lastly, what helps is hardwork. When I walked into this college I was unaware of what does Christite mean, but now I feel proud to be called as a Christite. So, my fellow Christites make sure you avail best use of all opportunities. Christ junior college truly upholds the motto Excellence and Service.

Jaishree A Yadalam

Jaishree A Yadalam

(Score: 591/600)

Christ Junior College has given me a very wholesome and fulfilling experience in both the academic and non-academic areas. It is a well known fact that CJC strives to motivate it's students towards excelling in all that they do. However, along with this encouragement, the college also provides a very nurturing environment, be it the campus, the teaching fraternity or the accompanying staff. Christ gave me a much needed all round exposure and helped me come out of my shell. As a result, I started involving myself in the myriad of events and opportunities that it offered. CJC with its vision of excellence, fostered a friendly competitive spirit within me and helped me live up to my full potential. Christ Junior College helped me work harder, strive to greater heights and ultimately ensured that I excel.


Devendar Singh Deora

Devendar Singh Deora

(Score: 587/600)

First of all i would thank my parents who always stood behind me.

The very three things that I believed in were "interest, determination and hard work. As such i did not have any secret formula in order to achieve my goal. I believed in self-learning so that the concepts were well understood. According to me learning 8 hours continuously is equivalent to 1 hour concentration in classroom.

I even participated in the co- circular activities in our college c such as lecture contests and quiz. I enjoy playing badminton. My teachers had nurtured me in all the aspects of learning. The act of questioning is the best way to clarify doubts. The feeling of pride, courage that we get from our college anthem is just incredible and in fact to be told that we cannot express that feeling through words. I even went to tuitions BASE to clear the entrance exams like KCET and JEE mains having faith, confidence in oneself can make one achieve anything in his life.

Terin Nisha DSouza

Terin Nisha DSouza

(Score: 586/600)

My motivation to study hard is multi-pronged. The support and encouragement of my mother and my family, the companionship of my twin sister and the ambiance created by the Christ college is excellent. My family and my teachers constantly guided me to manage my academics well on time, provided me with all my needs for my studies and I have been given good and quiet atmosphere and enough time to make the revisions of the portion. My twin sister has been tremendous help to me as we were in the same class, we could clarify the doubts mutually.

To be honest, the atmosphere at the college is exquisite. Christ Junior College has always been committed to scale greater heights of excellence. The lecturers are efficient and have taken good care of the students besides the school hours especially our class teacher Mr. Anu V Zachariah encouraged us both morally and academically throughout the years leading me to realize my true potential. My friends and classmates have been my well-wishers and contributed in different ways to my achievement. The class rooms in college, auditorium, library, computer and science labs are wonderful. Besides this the natural surroundings of the this vast premises kept us cool and serene. All these and the commitment to my studies has helped me to achieve what I have achieved today. Proud to be a Christite.

Swarnamalya A S

Swarnamalya A S

(Score: 585/600)

I am glad to have got an opportunity to write in this column. Firstly, I’m lucky to have joined Christ College. I take this opportunity to specially thank all my teachers for giving me guidance and support throughout the year. The tests and exams were conducted with higher standard which helped me to prepare the subjects at deeper level. They never hesitated to clear my doubts. I could always rely on them even if I had missed few topics. It is very kind of all my teachers who provided me with study material, reference books and test papers which helped me to face even the toughest questions from PU board and to score my best. Above all, I would like to highlight my class teacher Mr. Anu V Zachariah, who encouraged me both morally and academically for this achievement. His exceptional interaction throughout the year has added to my success. The focus was not on academics alone. I am also proud to have been a student coordinator of the TECHCLUB where I got a chance to organise our most significant inter-college event “TECHTONICS” under the guidance of my teacher coordinator Mr. Sathish R who has also helped me gain more knowledge about the subject. Like always, my family gave me the encouragement I needed. I also thank my friends who cheered me up. Christ Junior College has taught me how to manage, interact and plan in order to successfully come out with flying colours and has truly kept up to its promise of holistic development. Proud to be a Christite!

Paavani Ramakrishna

Paavani Ramakrishna

(Score: 585/600)

Two years in Christ junior college passed like the blink of an eye. On the first day, the big campus and the huge crowd definitely did bring a sense of fear in me. But honestly the atmosphere was so friendly that we felt like a family within days. Coming to what I have learnt here, the list is indeed long. Punctuality, regularity, independence, team work are just a few to name. Exposure to many competitions and fests is one of the many perks of this college. Along with all of this, academics was given equal importance. This as a whole has moulded me into a better person. Talking about my inspiration, there wasn't a single source as such. The teachers were always ready to help me with my doubts. They were of great help. My parents and my sister were supportive as well. All it requires to score well is dedication and concentration. Studying for more hours is not the criteria. But make sure that whenever you study you give your 100% so that you don't have regrets in future. Study for yourself and not for others.

Social Sciences

Saba Kaunain

Saba Kaunain

(Score: 581/600)

Christ Junior College has been a refreshing experience in my life. It was a real joy to have a learning space amidst the lush greenery. The crowd here was intimidating at first but creating a space for myself and finding good friends was easier than I thought. I had the opportunity to exploit my leadership skills by organizing events for Pierian Spring, the English literary club and also events like Class Culturals, that enriched by human quotient. I found myself at ease to function in an environment driven by strong ethics which I believe to be the building blocks of this institution. And the results, though unexpected, hand me a perfect opportunity to thank my teachers, my family and my dearest friends for always being around.



(Score: 579/600)

I believe that consistency accompanied by smart work paves way to desired goals. The hunger to learn and improve has been my driving force. Christ Junior College provided a stimulating environment and fuelled my interests from day one. Humanities in general, triggers my curiosity to explore the unending possibilities of unresting mankind. This course offers fresh perspectives on issues concerning humanity, and has always been my field of interest.

My yearn to possess knowledge is augmented by people around me at home, at college and elsewhere. The desire to improve has driven my passion and motivation to unfathomable heights. I believe honest effort is rewarded with a sense of satisfaction and marks secured are simply a part of the package.

Adithi Ravi Prakash

Adithi Ravi Prakash

(Score: 578/600)

It is definitely an overwhelming feeling to have scored 96% in the PU exam! This has been possible only because of the continued support of my college, CJC, teachers and my parents.

Being a student of Christ Junior College has been and enriching experience. The college provided us with a holistic environment, that ensured the overall growth and development of us students. It also motivated us to excel in every field, be it curricular or co-curricular.

The teachers at CJC too have been of great support. They ensured that we always had a competitive edge over students from other colleges. They also made sure we were well prepared, be it for any small test or an exam.

My parents too have been extremely supportive in this journey of mine. They have helped me excel in all my interests.

I would like to express my gratitude to all of them for being a great source of inspiration for me. This definitely would not have been possible without each of their support!

Afshan Kauser Hussain

Afshan Kauser Hussain

(Score: 578/600)

"Without commitment you will never start but more importantly without consistency you will never finish" - Denzel Washington

It could be said that to achieve success, one needs to be intelligent, ambitious or maybe just luckier than the rest which could be true. But I consider consistency to be the key to success. To achieve any goal, I believe, that we should dedicate ourself to a task completely and put on sustained effort. Small steps everyday, helped me grow. Whether it was studying for tests, exams or preperatories, I would stick to my timetable and would set away all the distractions for a few hours. Doing this repetitively helped me remain prepared and also saved me from the stress of last minute preparations. Repeating the same, made it a lot easier to stay dedicated and to concentrate well by avoiding various distractions. Of course, I had my own time to rest and get refreshed. Studying the entire day was not something I did. I had enough time for my other activities and hobbies as well. Therefore, it essentially comes down to our ability to hold yourself accountable for your daily plan with no excuses or complaints. Consistency helped me focus on the present moment while maintaining a long term view. With consistent preparation, I was able to learn better and work on my mistakes effectively. But this wouldn't be possible without the support of my wonderful teachers. They were always considerate, patient and extremely supportive.

Christ Junior College has played a great role in my achievement. It has not only helped me score better in my board exams but it has helped me become more confident and knowledgeable. It provided me resources needed for my growth and development. Other than academics, I was also pushed to be a part of other co curricular activities. It has been a platform which has greatly honed my skills and talents too. It has imparted values which are not confined to just books but those which go beyond that. These values will help me for lifetime. Christ Junior College has definitely made me realise my potential and has helped me grow in every positive way. I am extremely proud to be a Christite.


XAVION 2019-20

Christ Junior College, team has won XAVION 2019-20, Intercollegiate tournament organised by Jyothi Nivas Pre- University College, Bangalore.

Congratulations to the winners!


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Meta Schools 2019

Christ Junior College Team won overall in senior category at Meta Schools 2019- The Literary fest organised by St Joseph’s College for the third consecutive year.

State Aquatic Championship

Shivani Reddy of II PPES O made the college proud by securing the Gold Medal in Water-Polo at the sub-junior/ junior State Aquatic Championship 2018-19 held in Mysore from 31 May- 3 June 2018.

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