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DP Core

Theory of Knowledge (TOK)

The TOK course plays a special role in the DP by providing an opportunity for students to reflect on the nature, scope and limitations of knowledge and the process of knowing. It underpins and helps to unite the subjects that students encounter in the rest of their DP studies. This course embraces the exploration of ways, limitations and challenges relating to knowledge and knowing; so, it is made up of three interconnected parts:

Core theme - Knowledge and the knower

Optional theme - Choice from five; this year we will do Knowledge: Technology with Knowledge: Politics

Areas of Knowledge - history; the human sciences; the natural sciences; mathematics; and the arts.

Creativity, Activity, Service (CAS)

Creativity, Activity, Service (CAS) is at the heart of the IBDP programme and provides a framework for experiential learning. It is organised around three strands that are defined as follows:

Creativity – exploring and extending ideas leading to an original or interpretive product or performance

Activity – physical exertion contributing to a healthy lifestyle

Service – collaborative and reciprocal engagement with the community in response to an authentic need

The student engages in multiple CAS experiences over eighteen months and, at least, a month-long project addressing all these strands. CAS emphasizes reflection to explore how students may use prior learning in new contexts to further personal development. The completion of CAS is based on the students’ achievement of seven learning outcomes as demonstrated in a portfolio maintained by them. The CAS Companion outlines the modalities to develop the programme.

Extended Essay (EE)

The Extended Essay acquaints students with independent research and writing skills expected at the university level. It is intended to promote high-level research and writing skills, critical thinking skills, intellectual discovery and creativity, resulting in approximately 40 hours of work. This leads to a major piece of formal and academic writing of no more than 4,000 words in which ideas and findings are communicated in a reasoned and coherent manner appropriate to the subject.

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Group 1 -Studies in Language & Literature

Language A: English Literature – SL and HL

The course introduces the learners to an analysis of a variety of literary texts thereby promoting an enjoyment of and a lifelong interest in literature. The course addresses three areas of exploration in the literary world that add up to a comprehensive exploration of literature from a variety of cultures, genres and periods. As the IB subject guide states, learners are given the opportunity to adopt a variety of approaches to textual criticism. They explore the nature of literature, the aesthetic function of literary language and literary textuality, and the relationship between literature and the world. From canonical texts like works of Shakespeare to exploring the graphic world of Marjane Satrapi, the study of Literature offers you a plethora of interesting stories. The learners develop the ability of deeper understanding of cultural values, stylistic devices of literary texts by engaging in a close, detailed analysis that will help them to reflect critically on the same. The course assesses the evaluative, analytical as well as communication skills.

The scope of the English Literature course is tremendous wherein a learner can diversify into Media and Communication, Writing and Publishing, Teaching and Academic or Advertising and Marketing careers.

Language A: English Language and Literature - SL and HL

The course introduces learners to both literary and non literary texts drawn from a variety of media. Text types ranging from infographics, cartoons, street arts, to essays, novels, plays and poems give learners the opportunity to explore communicative acts. Learners explore the nuances of language and the way it shapes meaning through three areas of exploration in the world of communication. It also provides an appropriate ethos to encourage critical and creative thinking. It inculcates an understanding of how language influences identity and culture. As the IB subject guide states, approaches to the study include literary theory, sociolinguistics, media studies and critical discourse analysis among others. The course assesses the evaluative, analytical as well as communication skills.

The scope of the English Language and Literature course is tremendous wherein a learner can diversify into Media and Communication, Writing and Publishing, Teaching and Academic or Advertising and Marketing careers.

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Group 2 - Language Acquisition

Language B Hindi - SL and HL

The Language B Hindi course is designed to promote the students’ thinking and communication skills. The curriculum is very informative and uses a wide range of topics. The study of Hindi language is a good opportunity to understand and appreciate the Indian ethos. This course also gives an insight into the Indian culture and traditions while exploring it through various perspectives.

In DP Year 1, the focus is on bridging the gap and training the students on 3 units that focusses on comprehension and listening skills. The units are Identities, Experiences and Human Ingenuity. In DP Year 2, the learners are taken on progression from year 1 emphasizing on examination and self-management skills. The units are Social Organization and Sharing the Planet.

The Language ab initio French - SL

The Language ab initio French course is a cultural journey into the world of the arts, architecture, science, fashion and gastronomy. Other than communication skills, the learner will discover amazing techniques for improving memory, becoming creative, accepting differences, and even enriching their mother tongue. Having proficiency in French is an advantage if you intend to study in France, and also if you are considering a career in any international organisation. After this course, you could further learn French and pursue interesting professions like that of a blogger, traveller, translator, interpreter or teacher.

In the first year of the Diploma Programme, the focus is on acquisition of language and the course explores identities, experiences and human ingenuity. These explorations are used for acquiring the skills such as reading, comprehension, writing, speaking and listening. In the second year of the programme, learners are taken on a progression from the first year emphasizing on examination and self-management skills. The acquired skills will be further developed, and the next two units Social Organization and Sharing the Planet will be covered.

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Group 3 - Individuals and Societies

Business Management - SL and HL

In the Business Management course, students get the opportunity to deal with real business world scenarios. The subject deals with the local, national and international context of business through actual case studies. The course gives insight into entrepreneurship, leadership, crisis management, creative thinking and societal responsibility and develops skills of flexibility, problem-solving, commercial awareness and communication, all highly valued for career development.

The first year of the Diploma Programme sets the context of the Business Organization and its environment and explores different aspects of marketing of products and services. In the second year students examine finance and accounts through both quantitative and qualitative methods and return to studying how organizations manage their operations using the most ethical means with highest quality assurance, the role of human resources in an organization which creates the value zone for a business enterprise.

Economics - SL and HL

The Economics course will equip students with wider knowledge and skill sets to address real world economic problems and undertake research on contemporary economic issues. It is designed to provide the students with a unique opportunity of obtaining knowledge in economics and focusing on various practical areas for the development of various skills. Thus, the major objectives of the course include training the students in the fundamental theories of economics, providing skills in research and economic analysis and exposing students to the real world economic experiences through practical learning.

The first year of the Diploma Programme focuses on the introduction to economics and deals with the whole microeconomic analysis. It also covers the introduction to macroeconomics and related concepts. The second year will continue with macroeconomic analysis and then focus on theories in international economics and development economics.

Psychology - SL and HL

The Psychology curriculum follows a holistic approach by examining behavior through its underlying biological, cognitive and socio-cultural origins and implications. This integrated approach enables the students to understand the diversity of influences on human behavior and mental processes. The course focuses on international mindedness by embracing beliefs, behaviors, customs and cultures both indigenous and global. It also focuses on how psychological research is generated and developed while ensuring that ethical considerations are addressed.

The first year of the Diploma Programme begins with an introduction to psychology and research methods followed by the biological and cognitive levels of analysis of behavior. The second year continues with the sociocultural level of analysis of behavior, and the psychology of human relationships/ abnormal psychology.

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Group 4 - Sciences

Physics - SL and HL

Physics being the most fundamental among the experimental sciences seeks to explain the universe itself. The course in physics helps students to imbibe practical skills and techniques. Students venture into the concepts, theories, models and techniques that underlie each area of the subject. On doing so, they widen their horizon of understanding. They also gain a fine knowledge in mathematics, which is in fact, the language of physics. It enables students to develop interpersonal, communication and technological skills. While there is ample opportunity to conduct experiments, the Group Four Project gives them the opportunity to conduct research and innovate. Through the project, students demonstrate, apply, and use their understanding of physics facts, concepts and techniques.

In the first year of the Diploma Programme, core and AHL units are taught while, in the second year , Astrophysics, an optional topic is taught.

After successful completion of the course, students will have a bright career in Engineering, Medicine, Artificial intelligence, Astrophysics, and Robotics, to name a few.

Chemistry - SL and HL

The study of Chemistry not only develops the knowledge of the subject but also induces an understanding of the Nature of Science. The course is structured in such a way that it encourages a deeper understanding of the subject by making connections with wider issues and providing opportunities for critical thinking, numeracy, scientific literacy, and research skills. It is an experimental science that combines academic study with acquisition of laboratory and investigative skills.

In the first year of the Diploma Programme, core and AHL topics are taught while in the second year, Biochemistry, an option topic is taught.

Biology - SL and HL

Biology is offered at both higher and standard levels. The course explores life at cellular and organismic levels and also enables one to understand how present-day organisms have evolved from ancestral species. The focus is also on the fact that the future survival of living organisms including humans depends on sustainable ecological communities.

In the first year of the Diploma Programme, core units and additional higher-level units are taught, while, in the second year, Human physiology, an option topic is taught. Studying biology in the Diploma Programme will open a wide range of challenging opportunities for the learners in several fields like Ecology, Biotechnology, Genetics, and Physiology, to name a few.

Computer Science - SL

The Computer Science course emphasizes the need for both a theoretical and practical approach. Diploma Programme computer science students should become aware of how computer scientists work and communicate with each other and with other stakeholders in the successful development and implementation of IT solutions.

During the course the student will develop computational solutions for a real time client which will involve the ability to identify a problem or unanswered questions, develop a software solution and test a proposed solution. It will strengthen their ability to liaise with others to evaluate the success of the proposed solution and make recommendations for future developments.

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Interdisciplinary Subject

Environmental Systems and Societies (ESS) - SL

ESS is an interdisciplinary Group 3 and 4 course that is offered only at standard level (SL). As an interdisciplinary course, ESS is designed to combine the methodology, techniques and knowledge associated with Group 4 (sciences) with those associated with Group 3 (individuals and societies). Because it is an interdisciplinary course, students can study ESS and have it count as either a Group 3 or a Group 4 course, or as both. If students choose the latter option, this leaves the opportunity to study an additional subject from any other Group, including an additional Group 3 or Group 4 subject.

ESS is a complex course, requiring a diverse set of skills from its students. It is firmly grounded in both a scientific exploration of environmental systems in their structure and function and in the exploration of cultural, economic, ethical, political, and social interactions of societies with the environment. As a result of studying this course, students will become equipped with the ability to recognize and evaluate the impact of our complex system of societies on the natural world.

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Group 5 – Mathematics

Mathematics: analysis and approaches SL and HL

This course recognizes the need for analytical expertise in a world where innovation is increasingly dependent on a deep understanding of mathematics. This course includes topics that are both traditionally part of pre-university course as well as topics that are amenable to investigation, conjecture and proof. The course allows the use of technology and has a strong emphasis on the ability to construct, communicate and justify correct mathematical arguments. The students who wish to take up the course at higher level should have strong algebraic skills and the ability to understand simple proof.

Topics include Number and Algebra, Functions, Geometry and Trigonometry, Statistics and Probability and Calculus.

Mathematics: applications and interpretation - SL and HL

This course recognizes the increasing role that mathematics and technology play in a diverse range of field in a data rich world. It emphasizes the meaning of mathematics in context by focusing on topics that are often used as applications or in mathematical modelling. To give this understanding a firm base, this course also include topics that are traditionally part of pre-university. This course will develop mathematical thinking, often in the context of practical problem and using technology to justify conjectures. Students who wish to take the course at higher level will have good algebraic skills and experience of solving real world problems.

Topics include Number and Algebra, Functions, Geometry and Trigonometry, Statistics and Probability, and Calculus.